Monday, November 28, 2005


Can Peyton Manning and his high flying Indianapolis Colts go undefeated? They are 10-0 and face a tough conference opponent tonight against the Pittsburgh Steelers. Here's their remaining schedule to achieve perfection

Tonight - Pittsburgh (7-3)
Dec 4 - Tennessee (3-8)
Dec 11 - @ Jacksonville (8-3 but Leftwich is out atleast 4-6 weeks)
Dec 18 - San Diego (7-4)
Dec 24 - @ Seattle (9-2)
Jan 1 - Arizona (3-8)

What are your thoughts on this matter? Can they or can't they - give us reasons!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Finally the Eagles manned up and booted TO from the Eagles. This just goes to show you that sometimes words do speak louder then action as TO proved that theory because no matter how good and talented of a reciever he was his mouth made it mean nothing. Your thoughts on the whole situation and what teams might be going after TO in 06?